Saturday, 4 April 2009

Le cool

Talk Insight with Stephen Grey
If you’ve heard of extraordinary rendition then it’s because of the investigations of Stephen Grey who was among the few journalists that first uncovered the ghost planes and black sites that the CIA were using to transfer prisoners from one country to another and then to make them disappear within a system where there was no justice but plenty of torture. His new investigations focus on the true story from the frontline of the Helmand province in Afghanistan and he will be discussing the reality of the conflict and revelations of ‘takedown’ operations conducted by the US and British special forces along with the unresolved tensions between the government and the army and how that might be impacting on the lives of British soldiers. The event is chaired by Nick Fielding, journalist and author and it will be chance to hear from a one of the most distinguished investigative journalists in the UK. / Sophie Khan

Frontline Club, 13 Norfolk Place, W2 1QJ020 7479 8950


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