Tuesday 7 December 2010

Guardian- Comment is Free

Student sit-ins are not acts of trespass

The lack of case law on occupations leaves students vulnerable to draconian prosecution under the law of possession

Sophie Khan guardian.co.uk, Monday 6 December 2010 16.30 GMT Article history

Universities have been taken by surprise by the extent of the protests against tuition fees over the past few weeks, and the biggest surprise of all has been the growth of the student sit-in. Sit-ins such as the ones at University College London and the School of Oriental and African Studies are redefining the arguments around the rights of freedom of expression and assembly.

The debate is being fought out in the courts as possession claims (normally employed against trespassers) become the weapon of choice against the student occupations. Although Soas and Cambridge have possession orders, the universities have no immediate plans to evict the occupying students and have, in effect, recognised their right to protest. Paul Mason's report for Newsnight last week illustrated the peaceful nature of the occupation at the Brunei Suite at Soas, which is now in its second week, and his description of the "Zen-like calm" of the occupation goes some way to dispel the horror stories being told by the universities in court.

Student occupation, by its very nature, attracts the protection of the rights enshrined by Article 10 and 11 of the European convention on human rights, and these should be given the importance they deserve against with the university's claims for possession – which seem to be based on hypothetical scenarios rather than facts.

The lack of case law on this specific type of occupation is leaving the student occupiers exposed to the harsh law of possession. Without the will of the courts to distinguish the use of this power against them, students will have to fight their corner in court as well. The lines between the right of assembly and trespass are being blurred by these claims and we need to resist the classification of the "student occupation" as a trespass before their right to protest is curtailed.

As the number of student sit-ins rises, it is important that the courts establish definitive tests before they are applied against student occupiers. I acknowledge that seeking a balance between the rights of freedom of expression and assembly and those of property owners is not straightforward, and that a point in law would be made should the courts uphold the students' rights. But the argument that the courts must interject when there is inequality of arms must not be forgotten. Given the draconian nature of the possession claim, we need to allow all arguments to be made before judgments are reached.

The students are vowing to continue their protest with a fourth national protest on the eve of the Commons vote on tuition fees on Wednesday. Students' voices need to be heard both inside courts and outside them.


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